Sunday, April 6, 2008


This morning was really hard.

I rose from my blankets out of obligation rather than joy and anticipation of the day to come. Not exactly the way to start the day. Church was a bit of a chore, which blows, because it shouldn't be. The pastor said some things that made me think, but mostly in the way that I didn't want to. Ways like "When's this guy gonna be done talking?" and "I'm not sure I agree with what you just said. Especially because you didn't show me any scripture to assure me that you didn't talk off the top of your head." I remember statistics, but not the points they were intended to prove. He spoke with a passion that scared me more than excited me. I was glad to not have to listen to him talk anymore.

So that would be my morning.

Got back and embarked on a two hour journey to the College Store, Rite Aid, REI, and Haggen, albeit mostly out of boredom. I walked around looking at backpacks, waterbottles, bikes, socks, webbing, rope, and the vast assortment of climbing gear. I've definitely got to pick cheaper hobbies. Getting into rock climbing is rough on the budget. Harness: at least $50. 60 m of climbing rope: $207. Carabiners: at least $6 a piece. Even if I want to avoid all that and just boulder (climbing generally below 15 ft without a harness or gear) all the time, I could just buy a crash pad, which is still right around $150-200. *sigh* If only our bodies could take 1500 foot falls and walk away every time. I did walk out of the store with a bandana to keep my hair out of my eyes while hiking and climbings so I could not cover my whole head with a hat. No. I know what you're thinking. I will not get a haircut. It will take more than hair in my eyes to make me do that.

Otherwise, I bought my other textbook *eek* and wandered around Haggen killing time with Peter. I'm doing pretty well at pinching pennies this quarter. It's all about rationing things. Not eating at will. So on and so forth. I will say though, I am SO SICK of dining hall food. Words cannot express this sentiment to those who have not themselves felt it.

I'm thinking of making coffee, since I have lots of that, but I'm not thinking I want a buzz at 9:30 in the evening. So I'll probably skip that one.

Oh. Found out I got a jury summons. Stupid. Oop. Did I say that? Ok, well it's only because it gives me one more thing to worry about. I also got one a little under a year ago, and it irritates me to think that they've got me on some sort of stupid schedule. They can say it's random. Bull crap. I wasn't born yesterday. My last name starts with AD. I've been first on the list for everything for as long as I can remember. I sat in the left front corner for every elementary school class because the teacher was too lazy to create a seating chart. I went first for every class presentation. My name is the first on the roll-call, which means that if I'm absent, the teacher immediately knows it was me. It's a conspiracy. Doggone it.

I guess that doesn't explain why my mom hasn't ever gotten called for jury duty.

But it seems like my Grammie Adent always has jury duty.

Yes. My argument does have validity.

I promise.

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