Sunday, November 4, 2007

Day 42. It Took Me 6 Hours To Get Here

This weekend, I paid a visit to my hometown, the 'Couve, to play the bass on Sunday, which just happens to be today. While I was in town on "business," I was able to get out and hang out quite a bit. The end result: going to bed at about 2:00 AM each "night," not sleeping much last night, getting up and giving every ounce of energy within me back to God in worship, then hopping back on a train for a six hour ride to B-ham only to get pwned by my suitemates in a Halo match. I'm spent. AND I WOULDN'T TRADE IT FOR THE WORLD. I had so much fun this weekend! And I want to that everyone who saw me or that I saw for the amazing weekend. Yeah, I'm wasted. But I can rest when I'm dead. So. Thank you. You're awesome.

Otherwise, things seem to be normal here. There's a bunch of school work I have to do here, with two papers due before Thanksgiving break. So I should probably go to sleep so that I can focus on school in the morning. That's all.

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