Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day 44. I had another one of my thoughts today

What is morality? Can anyone put a definition on it? Yet we call upon governments to regulate it, and design political parties to promote it in order to gain power in government. I know you all (all two of you who actually read this thing) know of the Moral Majority. This implies that the rest of people (non-believers according to the logic of those minds) can't possibly be moral because they don't belong to the right political party. Since I'm on my soapbox now, I have heard that a Democrat -or Liberal (you're supposed to say it with a sneer)- and I'm referring right now to Ann Coulter's book Godless, are less moral than Republicans, making the bold assertion that a belief in God is what seperates Liberals from Conservatives. I have to note here, though, that I acquired this information via TV interview with the author, and I haven't actually read the book. Yeah I know, I'm supposed to leave that out because it detracts from my argument, but it's better than someone asking me about it and me saying "Uh, yeah, I haven't actually read that." So there it is.

I'm upshifting now, since going 60 mph in third can be kind of grating. Except I'm going to skip fourth and go straight to fifth. The reason I ask this question of morality is that there are so many people that don't have Christ in their life that believe that murder, lying, and cheating are wrong. I was watching an interview with Jon Stewart and Chris Matthews in which Chris Matthews had written a book arguing that one should live their life like a politician, doing everything they could to stay on top of the system. Much to my delight, Jon Stewert let this guy HAVE IT. Stewart said that Matthew's book saddened him, that someone would promote deception (which Matthews specifically mentions) and say that that would lead to a better life for that individual. (It was also very funny because the next day, in response to Matthew's comment on the air that this was "the book interview from hell," Stewart said that it was too bad that Matthews had expected the interview to be good, because Stewart had taken the time to read Matthews' book, but Matthews had apparently neglected to ever watch Stewart's show.)

On morality though, and I am so sorry this is so disjointed, I am pretty much free-writing at this point, most of us have this innate sense of what is write and wrong. For one, to kill another human being for no reason at all is wrong. To sleep with someone else's spouse is generally considerred wrong. Now, in a non-western society, this may not be the case. And that's why I don't know what morality is. I know what I believe is moral, but my morals are likely completely different from someone elses.

I have long struggled with this idea of tolerance. Is morality dependent upon the society in which you live? I don't believe so. I am going to be "intolerant" at this point and say that there are certain things that are wrong no matter where you are. However, it's not likely I will call someone out for breaking my idea of morality. I can think one one case recently in which I had to, because I felt that it caused people to derive certain things about me that just weren't true. And of course, if we're friends and of the same belief system and you do something I believe is questionable, I will at least ask about it. For the record, I would expect my friends to do the same thing with me.

Anyway. I think my mind is tapped out on this right now. I know this, because it's starting to hurt.

Last night, John left at around 11 and I haven't seen him since. There are hardly any clothes in his closet, and he left in a hurry, although I wasn't paying attention, I just heard the door slam. I know I shouldn't, but I worry about him sometimes. I hope he didn't get hit by a truck or something. I like him too much.

It does at this point appear that B-ham has decided to rain at last, after yesterday's glorious sunshine. So I sit in my room, think, type, and play guitar, thinking about how I should be reading two books for tomorrow's lecture and discussion.

So I should probably do that.

Hope everyone's days were awesome. Or at least better than mine.

1 comment:

Meagan said...

o my gosh! you think about stuff like this too!? wow... and i thought it was weird that i do.... sweet. this particular question is something i struggle with a lot actually... how can a government or religion tell you what is right or wrong? so many different cultures have so many different standards... who's to say which is right? surely not us... hmmm... let me know if you have any more thoughts on this... just message me on facebook .