Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 110

My hands are crusty and hurt from climbing the rock wall for the first time in three months.

Having gone to all my classes so far, I can safely say that this quarter is going to be a lot of really hard work. I have lots of books to read, lots to write, and lots to do outside of class.

I again regret to inform you that I really don't have anything to write about even remotely interesting. Oh. Here's something...

Here's a list of things I didn't need to see yesterday, but did, and in an educational setting, nonetheless.

*Little boys digging holes in the ground and humping them. No worries on this one, they had clothes on.
*Little boys comparing..."part".. characteristics
*A naked woman having a seizure
*A 10 year old girl reaching into an old man's pants and saying "You can't milk a bull, Uncle Octavio."
*A cat being tethered to a coat hanger and being smashed by a guy's head. The guy looked up with gunk all over him... smiling.

Among other things.

Yeah. You didn't need to know that...

But I just told you


I still don't know what I learned from said film.

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