Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 144

My cold's almost gone, so I'm feeling way better now. Was able to get out for a skate this evening after my eternal classes, and I keep discovering that my ankle isn't as strong as it used to be. I just can't stay off it long enough for it to feel complete again.

That's pretty much it. I have to read now.


Earlier today, I saw a film called Johnny Got His Gun. It was one of the most depressing films I've seen. The main character was a soldier (basically an 18 year old kid) in World War I. It didn't cover his service and his experiences. He was in an impact crater when a shell went off next to him. As a result, he lost his arms, his legs, his hearing, his sight and his entire face became a gaping hole. The film is essentially his thoughts as he's laying there in a hospital, unable to communicate with anyone, all the while wishing he could just be allowed to die. The thing is, I wanted them to grant his request. At the end, when he finally became able to communicate through moving his head (the contact with the pillow was Morse Code) the brass wouldn't allow it. So they're just going to leave him laying on this stretcher. One of the nurses pinches off his breathing tube in mercy, but the captain stops her and gives him a sedative. Through all of this I'm going "YOU. IDIOTS. Just let this guy die."

I firmly believe that God alone has the authority to give and take life. SO I wasn't sure what to do with this. We can allow this man to die, or we can keep him alive and suffering. I know this has modern relevance, since there's debate going on about assisted suicide. But if it were I in this man's place, I would certainly just want to die so I could be with my Creator. With all of internet-dom as my witness, I will not spend the later years of my life hooked up to a machine.

I'm unsure what to do with this. I'm all for using medicine to cure illness, but when someone is entirely dependant on it humanity is sustaining this person's life, not God. Now, God could certainly have the janitor pull the plug on the machine and everything would be peachy.

I guess I'm against the notion that humanity thinks it can play God when we really have no business doing so.

It's late and I need to sleep.

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