Friday, May 9, 2008


As a part of my Resident Advisor class I was mandated to pay for a personality test, specifically the Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator, or the MBTI for short, because everyone loves acronyms. I have so many acronyms floating around in my noggin that I wonder how I remember them all.

So I'm an ENFP: Extraverted-Intutitive-Feeler-Perceiver. I have taken this test before, and when I took it then I was an ESFP, which means I was sensory instead of intuitive. Either way, I'm right on the line in between the two, with a slight inclination toward intuition. I can't say I'm surprised, because I knew I had changed in that area.

Sensors and intuitives basically take in information in different ways. Here's the difference: intuitives tend to take a big picture approach to information, then filling in the gaps with facts and figures. Sensors do things the opposite way: they take in all the little tidbits of information and build up to the big picture using those facts.

I was in class today taking notes and had this in mind. I found myself writing down the main idea, then just listening to the statistics without writing them down, because I've always taken notes this way. That doesn't mean the minute details don't matter, because they do. But they support the big picture, which is what I'm interested in.

The other thing I want to talk about (surely you all know that I'm an extravert) is the clearest segment of my personality. While I did have high scores in Extraversion and Feeling (I make my decisions through compassion and identifying with people. I know. Another shocker,) the most clear segment of my personality was perceiving. This means, simply, that I don't plan things. I don't like schedules because I find them limiting. I want to take life as it comes instead of being overly prepared to deal with every problem that may come up. "P" could also stand for procrastinator :-P.

I've talked a fair amount in this blog about taking life as it comes and how schedules and goals limit life as it was meant to be lived. While I still really enjoy this approach to life, I must apologize to those who want to live life differently than I do. You are living life no less by scheduling it out.

I still like spontanaeity :-D it lets you go outside when it's sunny and get sunburnt while rock climbing shirtless in one of the most beautiful spots I know.


Simon said...

I'm an ISTJ. I've known we are opposites... Awesome. Schedules make me free. Spontaneity is awesome, but never planning and never knowing what comes next eats my brain. Life's easier for me with plans. More fun too. We are so different...

TH said...

I am an INFP.
"intuitives tend to take a big picture approach to information, then filling in the gaps with facts and figures" - I couldn't agree anymore! I work big picture down as well, it just makes sense (to me).
For the last couple years as a "P" I grew very frustrated with our culture. We are based and live off of time and schedules. It bugged me because I was forced to fit in a mold I thought I didn't fit, in fact it made me extremely bitter. However by the grace of God - Jesus smoothed my rough edges. What?? A "P" said his perceiving needed to be smoothed out? Let me explain. I let my view of "P" excuse my immaturity in scheduling and being late. As a result I became irresponsible in the eyes of others; I couldn't be trusted with much. It didn't matter who I related to (a "P" or "J"), my instability made others not trust me - I wasn't safe. I wanted to change the world and make a difference in other people’s lives, but without safety I wasn't doing so well. I can’t scare people into living for Jesus – it requires safety. If I were to "minister" to the culture around me I was going to have to live "cross-culturally", meaning I was to be more responsible while retaining my "Perceiving-ness." Essentially I needed to grow up. I was lazy and a procrastinator; especially with deadlines. I am thankful that Christ is so kind to continually morph me in to a man that is above reproach.
So how do I work now as someone who is becoming less irresponsible yet retains his "perceiving-ness"? I suppose that’s for a more personal conversation, not for the planet of Inter-web in the kingdom Blogdom.
I love your posts Brandon, they are a lot of fun to read, and it is also nice to know someone out there understand me Brandon! Way to be a “P”!