Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Day 73- My Contribution

I really just don't want to work on my finals right now. It's to the point, though, that I have don't just about everything there is to do. Reading used to be my excuse: I'm caught up on my reading. I've tapped out my brain on stuff to write for this blog. I think I should just unplug from the internet. Except that I need it to look stuff up for the papers.

Woke up this morning, got to class on time. Class was uneventful. Came back to the room, started typing. Did that for awhile, then Mike walked in and distracted me for way longer than he should have. Then, I found some packing material, the great big bubbly kind, which I stomped on and laughed maniacly. This, of course, drew the attention of Alexandra and her friend Christine, who were below me hanging out. In addition, it no doubt drew the attention of Megan, whom I was told was below the room adjacent to mine attempting to take a nap, and groaning as I went to town on the packing material. Alexandra and her friend came up and hung out, allowing me to not write my essays for at least a half hour. I then wrote a little bit more, but not much. Then I went to dinner, then I came back, and here I am.

Ok. I really am just wasting time. I'm gonna go take a whiz and then work on my essays.

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